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Fit Technology Integration and Research

 Jessica Veronica Couch

Strategist | Innovator | Founder

About Me

I am, someone who loves to learn, solve problems and share solutions…

I’m a retail and fashion technology consultant, researcher, and industry expert. I help businesses of all sizes choose, implement, and adopt the right technology to work smarter and more efficiently. My approach is holistic and practical, ensuring solutions that truly fit each company’s needs.

I also work with tech companies to build better products, combining my deep knowledge of fashion and retail with a passion for innovation. I write, speak, and create from a unique perspective, living at the intersection of fashion and technology. This work is more than a career for me—it’s what I love to do. In simple terms: I can solve your problem.


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Looks Ai, The Future of Retail

Turn your customers into your ads. Ask me about Looks Ai and how it will help you build a true fanbase for your products based on the main reason people buy clothing: Fit and style. Investing in your customers means growing your business organically and have a true loyal following.


My work


Consulting: Fayetteville Road Agency

In 2019, I co-founded Fayetteville Road, addressing the lack of diversity in fashion and tech. The agency evolved into a strategic marketing consultancy, empowering women of color at the intersection of creative and technological fields.

Community: WOC Worldwide

Women of Color Worldwide, born from Fayetteville Road, focuses on supporting women of color in retail through job placements and skill development. Our flagship event, the Women of Color Fashion Tech Brunch, garnered support from industry leaders like Google Shopping and Pinterest.

Research: Luxor and Finch

Luxorandfinch began as a clothing store and evolved into a research firm specializing in retail tech and size inclusivity. Our Fit Technology 101 meetup, a platform for testing innovative fit solutions, marked a significant achievement, fostering a community now connected through a dedicated newsletter.

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Fashion Technology 1o1 Newsletter: Linkedin

I am passionate about fashion technology, every month I write about something fashion technology related including customer behavior, Gen Ai, 3D Design and more!

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Download this BOF white Paper

I am excited to share with you this awesome white paper I was featured in amongst other amazing experts on the future of AI and workforce. Download Here.