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The drastic change in shopping norms represents a significant opportunity for apparel fit technologies, which have floated around the industry for a few years now, and are typically designed to determine an exact fit, and overall better size-chart creation, based on realistic body data measurements.
TransformHER is the premier conference for professional women of color in technology. The conference is structured to help attendees build stronger relationships and leverage resources to advance their careers.
February 29th 2020
Join me at City Source this year alongside many other amazing panelists. I will be speaking on the New Developments Panel to discuss my fave topic of matching people to products and the new relationship between Retail, Technology, and humans. The event takes place Thu, January 16, 2020, 9:30 AM – 6:00 PM EST Fashion Institute of Technology 227 West 27th Street
If you hear fit technology and you think body scanners, 3-D avatars and complicated space-age technology, you are only partially right. But if you hear technology and automatically think “gimmick,” then you most likely have misunderstood the meaning of fit technology altogether. To understand fit technology in the way we see it, you must understand the actual meaning of technology
Fit is the most important issue consumers have with clothing right now. In fact, according to a survey conducted by Bodylabs, 58 percent of shoppers would buy more frequently if they could ensure a proper fit. Additionally, 85% of shoppers would purchase more if they could ensure a proper fit. A lack of understanding of fit is the main cause for returns, dead inventory, cart abandonment and the reason most people do not try new brands.
I visited the new Neiman Marcus store and my experience left much to be imagined. Modern luxury retailers have to adopt new practices in order to improve current experiences. Here are 5 things that went wrong and a few suggestions on improvements.
While some brands are flourishing in the last 5 years and seeing steady growth, many trusted long-standing retailers are seeing their value plummet with no indication of recovery.
The old way of retail is dead. The new way of retail is yet to be embraced on a large scale and the casualties of big retailers continue to add up.
We couldn’t agree more. Matching people to products does not mean fancy gimmicks and 3D avatars. It simply means helping people best understand what products are for them!
Now is the time for retailers to adapt to consumer needs and culture. A part of the mission for Luxor and Finch is to build technology, provide knowledge and experiences for companies to integrate while championing the cause of inclusive sizing and body positivity in the fashion and apparel industry. Checkout luxorandfinch.com to see what is next to make change.
There is a real issue of connecting people to product in retail. Companies like Barney's are considering bankruptcy to solve cashflow issues. Do you think retailers should take a different approach? Check out luxorandfinch.com to see ways we can provide a better solution that benefit both retailers and consumers.
By now we all know that Topshop US stores are dead. Last week, I went into Topshop to pick a few final souvenirs, out of respect, and the scene in the store was something out of a zombie apocalypse movie. Much of what occurred with Topshop ( setting the scandal aside) can be attributed to an issue the industry is having as a whole: Customer-centric retail design. This article covers some of the key issues why Topshop failed the consumer and how other brands should use this as a warning. hashtag#fashion hashtag#fashiontech hashtag#retailtech hashtag#storeofthefuture hashtag#innovation hashtag#luxorandfinch hashtag#deisgn hashtag#strategy hashtag#topshop hashtag#houseofcb
I have made sacrifices my entire career so that I could exclusively focus on fit technology. Before there were opportunities in this field, I made my own. Years later fit technology is still my passion.
Samasource and Cornell Tech announced today their collaboration on iMaterialist-Fashion, a high-quality data set to enable research into advanced methods for clothing identification.
Listen to our BTSPodcast episode on Fit technology, Luxor + Finch Consulting and why I love what I do!
This original post was written in 2015 on my former wordpress. I have updated and modified the content for the present. Since shape is my personal interest I often have conversations about our perception of the modern female physique. Now it seems like there has been a huge shift in the gene pool and women everywhere have turned into a walking version of the number 8. Curve has become a desired commodity and is being injected and sucked out of women everywhere. FYI This is not the curve we mean here...
With consumer apparel purchasing increasingly moving online, the subject of apparel fit is at the heart of fashion e-commerce. In this article, four industry insiders come together to merge their differing viewpoints.
We’ve got something to say about Fashion Tech! Be apart of our initiative launching March 2019 on the SXSW stage.